Sunday, June 6, 2010


This picture is a panorama picture. In this picture you see more than what a normal picture would show you. It is actually made up of 3 seperate pictures, which I blended together to look like one big one. I chose black and white for a more simple look. I took the pictures used to create this at the Mill Pond in Brighton, Michigan.

3 Words

For this project I chose 3 words that described myself and put them on a picture relating to the 3 words. I put a drop shadow behind the words to make them stand out more, and changed the shape of the words so they would flow with the picture. The mood I wanted to create for this picture was a calm, peaceful mood.
Sunset. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.


This is an abstract creation, using gimp. I used the swirl gradiant tool to make the swirl pattern on the green shapes. I also used the drop shadow on them and on the stars. I wanted it to look like things were popping out. I also wanted to make the mood fun and crazy.

New Species

For this project, I created a new species. It is called a Girafeetahelephebra. I used elephant ears, a cheetah body, a giraffe head and a zebra tail. I put it all together with the blending and eraser tool. Then I put in a safari background. For the text I used the patterns of all the animals and put in a drop shadow to make it stand out.
Giraffe head. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
African Landscape. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Sitting cheetah. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Elephant. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Zebra tail. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.


This project illustrates actually driving someone up a wall, instead of just the saying which means driving someone crazy or annoying someone. for this i used 5 different pictures and put them together. Then I put in text to explain what it was about. I used the blending and eraser tool.
Building. [Online Image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Grass. [Online Image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Sky. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.


This is an Avatar of myself. It is a copy of a picture that i took. I used the paint brush tool and blending tool. there is a layer of just outline in black and a layer of color. I used the blending tool for shadowing and to blend the colors together.


This is a party invitation. For the background I used a zebra pattern then on top of that I put white and blue and changed the opacity. For the "party" text I spread it out to make a bolder effect. I used simple text so it wouldnt be too buisy.

Rule of Thirds

This project is an example of the rule of thirds. The main focal point of the picture is supposed to be the top of the palm tree. If there were 3 equal sections vertically and horizontally on the picture, the top of the palm would meet at the top left divider line.


Here are 9 different filters used on one picture. This shows the different kinds of filters there are in Gimp and there are many more. I used a picture that I took myself. I think the puzzle filter is cool.

Different Point of View

I took 3 pictures of a pop can, and each had a different point of view. This project was to show how the can changes when the point of view changes. I also added a filter to each picture, the filters i used are cartoo, canvas and oil. I wanted to make the pop can look different even though it is one pop can. I took these pictures.