Sunday, June 6, 2010


This picture is a panorama picture. In this picture you see more than what a normal picture would show you. It is actually made up of 3 seperate pictures, which I blended together to look like one big one. I chose black and white for a more simple look. I took the pictures used to create this at the Mill Pond in Brighton, Michigan.

3 Words

For this project I chose 3 words that described myself and put them on a picture relating to the 3 words. I put a drop shadow behind the words to make them stand out more, and changed the shape of the words so they would flow with the picture. The mood I wanted to create for this picture was a calm, peaceful mood.
Sunset. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.


This is an abstract creation, using gimp. I used the swirl gradiant tool to make the swirl pattern on the green shapes. I also used the drop shadow on them and on the stars. I wanted it to look like things were popping out. I also wanted to make the mood fun and crazy.

New Species

For this project, I created a new species. It is called a Girafeetahelephebra. I used elephant ears, a cheetah body, a giraffe head and a zebra tail. I put it all together with the blending and eraser tool. Then I put in a safari background. For the text I used the patterns of all the animals and put in a drop shadow to make it stand out.
Giraffe head. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
African Landscape. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Sitting cheetah. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Elephant. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Zebra tail. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.


This project illustrates actually driving someone up a wall, instead of just the saying which means driving someone crazy or annoying someone. for this i used 5 different pictures and put them together. Then I put in text to explain what it was about. I used the blending and eraser tool.
Building. [Online Image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Grass. [Online Image] Available, June 6, 2010.
Sky. [Online image] Available, June 6, 2010.


This is an Avatar of myself. It is a copy of a picture that i took. I used the paint brush tool and blending tool. there is a layer of just outline in black and a layer of color. I used the blending tool for shadowing and to blend the colors together.


This is a party invitation. For the background I used a zebra pattern then on top of that I put white and blue and changed the opacity. For the "party" text I spread it out to make a bolder effect. I used simple text so it wouldnt be too buisy.